

increase traffic rank in Alexa

  • Alexa computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of Alexa Toolbar users.
  • The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach).
  • Page views measure the number of pages viewed by Alexa Toolbar users. Multiple page views of the same page made by the same user on the same day are counted only once.
  • Reach measures the number of users.
  • Alexa expresses reach as number of users per million. For example, if a site like has a reach of 28%, this means that if you took random samples of one million Internet users, you would on average find that 280,000 of them visit
  • The daily traffic rank reflects the traffic to the site based on data for a single day.The Trend graph shows you a three-day moving average of the site's daily traffic rank, charted over time.

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