

Nepal and blog action day 08 poverty

Yes. October 15, is the day for "Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty"

  • 45 per cent of the population live below the poverty line. Nepal has the lowest life expectancy and highest illiteracy rates – especially for women.
  • A Maoist insurgency, general political instability and a reduction in tourism caused a negative growth rate.
  • Political Unrest and violence, lack of economic growth,illiteracy all have contributed in some way to Poverty.
  • Mid Western and Far Western regions in Nepal have the highest concentration of poor people.
  • 88 Ways to DO Something About Poverty Right Now


crawl errors sources by GWT

Just that google talked about Good times with inbound links, the google webmaster tool now shows sources for the crawl errors.
The web crawl errors detailing "Errors for url in sitemaps" and "Not Found" have a new column, "Linked From" added by GWT. This "Linked From" provides linked pages/sources for the URL.

Here's an example from ( Image Editing and Photo Retouching)

The figure shows 4 pages in the Linked From Column for Not Found URL. (click on image to see large view)

Now, after I clicked on 4 pages under "linked from", the above sources are shown. And the mentioned sources have broken links and so is under the Not Found Stat. Very much helpful information provided by "GWT /Linked From".